Pool Cover Types- Which pool cover will best suit your Swimming Pool

Having made the decision to buy a pool cover, the next question is which type will best suit your pool. The best way to decide this is to simply identify what is the prime reason for getting one, for example is it to keep the pool warmer for longer, stop water evaporation, or is it to keep the pool clean.   Solar Blanket Pool Covers – keep your pool warmer and stop evaporation. If your purpose is to stop evaporation and also make the pool warmer, then a solar blanket pool cover is the correct choice. A solar blanket pool cover looks very similar to thick bubble wrap, it lays flat on the surface of the water, and has the ability through trapping the sun’s UV rays to warm the pool water. Depending on how much sunshine the pool receives, a solar blanket pool cover can increase the water temperature by as much as 8 degrees Celsius. This could add weeks to the owner’s swimming season. In addition, these covers are extremely effective at stopping water loss through evaporation, in fact by up to 97%. They are usually attached to a pool cover roller which makes them very easy to put on and take off the pool. Other additional benefits are that they help keep the pool clean by keeping a large percentage of leaves and rubbish out of the pool. They can also cut down on the amount of chemicals the pool requires, as much of the chemical loss in a pool is via evaporation which these pool covers put an end to.   Leaf and debris Pool Covers – keep your pool clean These pool covers are made from a weave fabric and are made larger than the pool to create an overlap. They are then fixed in position at regular intervals around the pool to ensure that nothing gets into the pool at all. While they are not as effective as a solar blanket when it comes to controlling evaporation, or warming the pool up. They do make a contribution to these two tasks and are considered effective. Their prime function though is to keep the pool clean and in this they do a wonderful job, especially where the pool receives a large amount of leaves and debris constantly. Make no mistake, these covers take longer to put on and take off than a solar blanket pool cover. However, owners report that the hours saved from having to continually clean the pool more than makes up for this. The main practice for this pool is to put it on over the Winter months and remove the cover when the swimming season arrives.   So in the end, the choice of which type of pool cover to buy comes down to what is the prime reason for getting one in the first place. Whether it be keeping the pool clean, keeping it warm or stopping evaporation. They all do a great job in these tasks, but some are stronger at some of those aspects than others.

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